Transport Budget Analysis 2011-12

Pune has for several years allocated the largest share of its budget to the transportation sector. At around 30% of the total budget, this sector gets a larger share than important sectors like health, sanitation & slum rehabilitation together.

The country has formulated a National Urban Transport Policy (NUTP) and the city has commissioned a Comprehensive Mobility Plan (CMP). One would expect that allocation of money within the transportation sector would follow the principles of NUTP and attempt to achieve the goals laid down in the CMP. These documents have clearly mentioned their key focus as “mobility of people rather than vehicles” and keeping with this spirit, the main emphasis of CMP has been promoting public and non motorized transport in the city, and states that their modal shares should be 40% and 50% respectively by 2030.

Parisar analyzed the budgetary allocation on transportation sector in Pune’s 2011-12 budget. It emerges that more than 60% of the transport sector budget is allocated to projects which are motor vehicle friendly like building of new roads, flyovers, parking structures and re-tarring of roads. On the other hand, non-motorized friendly and public-transport friendly projects get only 9% and 18% respectively of the budget allocation in spite of including doubtful projects such as subways, skywalks, BRT (as currently implemented) and Metro (as currently planned). This clearly suggests that the city has not paid any attention to the guidelines of NUTP or the goals set by CMP while preparing its budget.

Analysis of PMC's Budget 2011-12

A city’s budget provides a good insight into the priorities and plans of the city administration, and therefore can be used to understand the city’s sectoral priorities as well as whether the proposed expenditures are in sync with the goals, policies and plans of the city. Therefore, it is also important that the budget should be easily accessible and understandable to a common citizen as this will increase accountability and transparency of the city administration. Ideally, citizens should be able to access and understand not only the budget but only the actual expenditure on different sectors and the resultant outcomes in those sectors. However, to the best of our knowledge, such information is currently not provided by any city in the country including Pune.

Parisar has analyzed the budget of Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) for the year 2011-12 for the following: the budgetary trends over the last few years, the sectoral priorities of PMC,general accounting practices of PMC and the ease of understanding the budget by common citizens by a method developed by Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability (CBGA).

Presentations on Urban transport in Pune

Parisar representatives were invited to make presentations at the "National Conference on Urban Policy and Planning: A Case Perspective of Pune" organized by the Symbiosis School of Economics in February 2011. Read more to see these presentations.

Ranjit Gadgil made a presentation about pedestrian woes and non-motorized transport in the city. His presentation explained the close relationship between pedestrian facilities and livability of a city. He also talked about the troubles of a pedestrian in Pune and the importance of having street design guidelines to ensure that pedestrian infrastructure is adequate, convenient and standardized. Download his presentation here.

Ashok Sreenivas talked about urban transport in Pune. His talk demonstrated the increasing divergence between accepted principles of sustainable transport and the existing National Urban Transport Policy on the one hand, and the ground reality of Pune. He also touched upon some key reasons for why such a divergence was taking place and what was required to correct it. Download his presentation here.

Analysis of the proposed metro rail system in Pune

Parisar has recently completed two detailed studies on the metro rail proposal for Pune. The first was a preliminary analysis of whether Pune needs a metro rail system and the second analyzed in detail the decision making processes in approving Pune's metro rail proposal as well as the detailed project report (DPR) of the metro rail proposal.